2 pictures of Lilly (and we miss her)
Silvano's daddy!
Silvano... the greatest, ever!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Lovely dogs
They love each other... aren't they wonderfully sweet...? There is something we should learn from them, sometimes... Udina
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10:41 PM
Labels: lovely pets
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
City view from Montjuic including Tibidabo
Casa Mila', the so-called la Pedrera
Gaudi's building, Casa Batlo'
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12:06 PM
Labels: travel
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Duomo, the cathedral of Milan
The amazing mighty Cathedral of Milan, overlooking the ever crowdy Duomo square.
Over 1000 years of our town history and religion.
Our golden Lady Madonnina topping the church...
Architectural details.
Posted by
11:15 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Scrivo di lei armata solo della mia scarsezza,
Avvilita per non saper tradurre in verbo il senso del suo spirito.
Fieri occhi neri e sorriso dolcissimo che si schiude a tutti e al Tutto, soffio di vita, calore e frescura per ogni dolore che arda i sensi, che bruci le interiora.
Irradiano un'instancabile irrinunciabile capacità di perdono che nel sedicente cristiano sovente vacilla.
La piccola e instancabile mano il qual tocco tutto rende più sopportabile
Il suo sguardo, il suo abbraccio altrimenti non posso descrivere se non come rifugio indispensabile nel mio viaggio esistenziale.
Sarebbe semplice e meschino parlare del suo grande cuore, ma certo un'anima talmente immensa,
che non può tradire, non può deludere,
non può essere racchiusa solo dal cuore.
Troppa umanità ingombra ogni singolo anfratto del suo corpo, pervade ogni capello, ogni più piccola ciglia.
E si irradia con indicibile forza
E avvolge ogni spirito, ogni molecola che le si avvicini
senza fatica, senza rinuncia.
Bellissima nelle sue fattezze scure, liscie, minute
ogni piega della sua pelle intatta e sincera
fremente di vita e di luce i riflessi.
Impagabile gioia.
Posted by
1:38 AM
Labels: poetry
Friday, August 24, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The chronicles of this last book ("We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of Harry Potter." as stated on the inside of the front cover) follow the previous one, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005), and takes readers to the final epic fight between Harry Potter and his enemy, the mighty and evil Lord Voldemort and his servants.
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12:25 AM
Labels: literature
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Burning Bright, by Tracy Chevalier
Tracy Chevalier, the same author of Girl With A Pearl Earring, reveals herself once again an excellent "drawer" of the Georgian age of Great Britain.
Burning Bright is the story of a family moving from the quiet, neat and reassuring Dorsetshire to the huge, noisy, dirty and foggy London of that time.
Friendship, love, politics and the passage of Jem, Maggie and Maisie (the three youngest characters of this novel) to the adulthood, through their adventures and misadventures down the street.
All this happens within an interesting and detailed picture of London of the late 18th century, with all its hystorical and social aspects: people daily life and challenges, businesses and misery on the background of the French revolution threatening King George who fears this will affect the quiet of his kingdom.
William Blake, a printer, radical and poet will be inserted in this "burnign bright" and colourful picture.
Very pleasant, smooth and useful for those who love learning while reading, without being bored.
Do you wish to know more about Tracy Chevalier? Please, check the Tracy Chevalier's site.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Labels: literature